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Shirley Liew’s

I am an enthusiastic, patient and loyal insurance practitioner who has been in the financial services industry for over 2 decades.Through my humble experiences, I’ve dealt with many different types of insurance planning solutions, and handled all kinds of claims.

What helps me to stand out from others is my unwavering belief that this career is an ongoing educational path that not only provides me with the opportunity to give freely of my knowledge about insurance, but also allows me to learn from the clients’ life experiences and life concerns.

Call me old school, but I take immense pride in providing a great listening ear to my clients while putting myself in their positions, because thisallows me to betterunderstand them as individuals, and explain the policestailored to their needs. This is an important skill that has unfortunately been neglected as the world becomes more high-tech and less high-touch, but I strongly believe that it is extremely crucial for a long-term relationship with my clients.


I purchased my first insurance policy from Shirley in my early 20s, about 3-4 years after we first met. Since then we have been more than friends.

Even though it has been over 20 years, I can attest that her passion on insurance and interest in people’s well-being has remained the same since Day 1. And that’s the Shirley we all know and love. Always passionate and caring towards people, whether the person is a client or not.

I remember about 9 years ago, my husband met with acar accident and I was so lost!Shirley came to my rescue and helped with all the necessary documents for the claims.

She did all these out of her own good-will because my husband’s transport insurance policy wasn’t from her.Since then, she has been my advisor for all life matters, and I can always count on her to be there with a listening ear. My policies with her have also grown and changed accordingly to my deepest needs, wants and dreams.

Shirley’s knowledge, experience, efficiency and the professional manner in whichshe conducts her businessare assets to any organization or client. The high standards she set herself and her exceptional work ethics are hard to come by, and especially in such a demanding and results-driven environment.Thank you, Shirley!


Working as an accountant, I would expect nothing but the best from my insurance advisor. Simply because I exchange my time to earn money and therefore, I should spend just as much time to invest my money.

Finding a good insurance advisor who is HONEST, fair and professional in her dealing is an uphill task.Fortunately for me, Shirley wins hands down.Her thoroughness, clear and precise explanations to my policies mean that working with her is a great pleasure and always smooth sailing.

One of my favourite phrases from Shirley is:People buy insurance policies at different stages of their lives for different needs. A policy can still be effective even though your insurance needs may have changed over the years.

Although you may feel like replacing a certain policy currently, which could mean extra income to her, Shirley will painstakingly explain to you why you may have bought that policy in your earlier years and how it is worthwhile to keep it. Her honesty in her dealings with me is always greatly appreciated.

Ling Sheng Xiong

Ms Liew Shaw Ing or Shirley as she is affectionately known to us is a very conscientious, hardworking, and perhaps most importantly, very empathetic insurance advisor since the first day she was introduced to me and subsequently, to our church as well.

Whatever expectations and questions we have are handled and answered to the best of her knowledge and ability. We can call on her any time and day for her assistance and she will attend to our calls without hesitation. She is able to give us valuable advice and go the extra mile to provide solutions to our policies.

Shirley is a dedicated advisor and we applaud her dedication and professionalism in carrying out her duties. You will surely be proud to have an advisor like Ms Liew Shaw Ing whose words certainly match her actions.

Chew Evelyn

Ms Shirley Liew is an insurance practitioner who is passionate with her work and cares immensely for her customers.

A few years ago, the doctor told me that my daughter had type 1 diabetes. At that time, my daughter was inKK Hospital for three days, and I received a bunch of questionnaires about my daughter’s health and medical history from the Insurer after she was discharged from the hospital.

In that moment, compounded by my daughter’s condition, I waslost and totallyhad no idea how to fill in those questionnaires. In despair, I contacted Shirley even though Shirley was not the agent in-charge of this policy.Without hesitation, she immediatelyarranged an appointment after listening to me.

She explained those questions and assisted mein filling out the forms. She even went the extra mile by hand-delivering my documents to the insurance company’s claims department.

Filling out those documents may be a piece of cake for an experienced insurance practitioner. However, her selflessness and professionalismin solving my problems really moved me, because this particular policy was not bought from her.

I have to say that although I had met many different insurance advisors over the years, Shirley’s services have given me the greatest comfort and trust.

Warmest regards,

Lee Ai Dee Alice

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